Custom Builds

We gladly accept the commissioning of Custom Builds

All we need is pictures if possible and dimensions including the beam. Please read the info below as to some insight as to the process. By the time a model is commisioned built and shipped, hundreds of hours will be expended to make sure you get the finest quality model for your investment.

The finished product is a some of its parts therefor we have chosen the best builders in the business to supply our customers with the finest quality products available using fine woods and handmade, cast parts.

  • Brass Cannons with chrome and brass plated details
  • Fine hardwoods such as Walnut, Cherry, Oak, Teak, Yellow Siris, Rosewood, Light Ebony, Blackwood, Mahogany and others
  • Thick canvas sails that hold their shape and remain wrinkle-free
  • A solid wood base with supports for the ship or boat

Now with the highest quality materials available we have the model built. There are five stages of production: research, design, component construction, assembly and inspection.


Mayflower custom build

Our builders use every available resource to ensure that our models are as authentic as possible. We obtain copies of the ship's original plans (if available), artist's renditions, and drawings, or when possible we pay a visit to the original ship (USS Constitution in Boston Harbor, HMS Victory in Portsmouth, England, USS Constellation in Baltimore Harbor and Cutty Sark in Greenwich Pier, to name a few).





With our research complete, we use specialized 3D desisgn software called CAD (Computer Aided Design) to draft a detailed 3D image of the ship and a majority of the tiny pieces and ornamentation.


Component & Hull Construction

We make many of our pieces by hand, however to reduce the time and cost required to make these pieces, our computer is attached to a laser cutter, which perfectly cuts the piece every time making repetitive peices more uniform and reducing the cost of building your model. Once we have made the necessary pieces, over one thousand for a majority of our models, we start the construction. We have a specialized production process with experts at each stage which allows the models to be made faster, yet still meet our strict quality standards. The model is built using the plank-on-bulkhead construction method. This is a painstaking process that is the most time-consuming and most difficult part in building a model ship. If this process is done perfectly, the model looks as it should; if not done perfectly, the model looks obviously wrong.

To build the hull, the following steps are taken: The bulkheads are slotted over the keel (the ribbed frame of the hull) then the individual wood planks are soaked in water so that they can be shaped around the bulkheads to conform to the hull. Each individual plank is perfectly shaped and glued to every bulkhead of the ships hull. Special-sized planks are cut and added to the hull, just like the construction of the real vessel, to fill in any gaps between planked areas. A second layer of planking is then applied over the primary planks to complete the duoble-hull construction. The hull is now sanded and layers of clear coat are applied to seal and protect the wood.


Details added:

The gun ports are cut out from the side of the hull according to the plans. After planking the hull, we carefully lay the deck planks and paint the hull the colors of the real ship. With the hull now complete, we add all of the details and fittings to the model (cannons, ship's wheel, stern details, figurehead, etc.) and the model is painted.

Masts, rigging and sails:

Tremendous skill and patience is required to tie the hundreds of extremely small knots needed to complete the rigging.

Again, if this process is done perfectly, all of the lines are taut and there is equal tension on the masts. If not done perfectly, many lines will be loose and look obviously wrong. We use various colors and varied thickness to ensure the rigging lines are as accurate as possible. The masterfully stitched sails are made out of thick canvas (so that they will not wrinkle). We typically position the sails so the model will look as if it were at full sail.





Every stage of production is carefully overseen to insure the highest level of quality and a thorough inspection is done upon completion. Once a model meets our high quality standards, it is made available for sale. After an order is placed, each and every model is inspected before it is carefully packaged and shipped to you. The finished product will be shipped by common carrier fully Insured. Also If you order in quantity, your order will be shipped on pallet(s) by common carrier. Please call for quote on your custom built model.

Display cases:

Beside preventing dust, a display case always increases the value of your model and will help it hold it’s value. We always suggest that you place your ship in a display case.






Examples of our custom builds


Arabella Custom Build Tall Ship Model

Mermaid Supporter

Viking Sport Cruiser

Washington Ferry

If you would like to get a quote, please fill out the request below.

Full Name:
Email Address:
Name of the subject ship or boat?
Size or scale requested?
Time frame for build?
Desired material for model?
Mount desired?
Do you have pictures?
Nameplate desired?
Questions or concerns?

We take alot of pride in our custom builds and we have thousands of satisfied customers however we can not refund any deposits or payments on the commisioning of a custom build. A 50% deposit will be required to start the build. Once you have sent your deposit, You have 2 days from the date of your order to cancel on the 3rd day the process has started and can not be turned back. Please keep this in mind when placing your order. 

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